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About Us

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I have recently decided that we are superstars. I work full time as an ABA Consultant and am a full time student working toward my psych degree. I have the most amazing man in my life - Rob is every dream come true that I have had. He works hard, plays hard, and we are making our dreams come true one day at a time. We are the proud parents of 6 cats and 2 dogs. Ya. It is a circus but I love every minute of it!

Monday, January 31, 2011

Being Thankful

I am sitting in my class 10 minutes early and decided that I need to post a blog on how thankful I am for the people in my life. I have a great life. I am lucky for all that I have and all that I have the opportunity to achieve. Recently I have become more aware of the support that I really do have.

I am attending college at The University of New Orleans. It is my first semester here and I was very nervous to start. I have been attending community colleges for so long and have that scene down. I am a pro at navigating small classrooms, working my way around small campus' and getting to know teachers with only 20 students.  But this is an entirely different game.  My classrooms are huge. My smallest class has 42 students. The campus is gianormus. BUT- thanks to all the support of my family and friends I have muscled up my courage and faced it head on. I found all my classes with only one instance of being lost and was even on time!

The reason for this post though is to thank those that helped make my attendance to this semester possible. I did not qualify for financial aid this semester and will need to complete at least 2 semesters before I will be able to qualify again- due to mistakes I made early on in my college years. With the help of my brother and sister-in-law and Rob's parents- Lori and John, I was able to pay for this semester.  Plain and simple- I would  not have made it to school this semester if it were not for their help. Thank you all so much for your faith in me and for your help with making my dreams to finish college a reality.

Ok- now back to my class since the Professor just walked in. Time to take notes!!


Tuesday, January 18, 2011

New Years in Disneyland!!!

So here is a little story. Once upon a time a girl and her brother lived in the magical land of California (applause and cheering). Then the day came that the girls brother moved to the far, far away land of Malaysia for exciting adventure (a new job). But the girl wasn't sad. She knew that he would come back and visit some day.

A little while later the girl also moved to the not-quite-so-far-away land (and yet very different) of Louisiana. She was seeking new challenges and a new life. She was not disappointed and met many new amazing new people and her handsome prince (standing ovation with cheering). 

Well, one day she received an email from her brother now living in the equally far, far away land of Singapore with his newly found queen and their beautiful princess. This email said that he was bringing his queen home to meet the fam for Christmas and then taking her and the darling girl as well as his two young knights to California! The girl was ecstatic!!! She updated her facebook status, she sent excited text messages, she even called her mom! 

Now- here is the REALLY exciting part. Not only was she to meet the fantastic woman that had captured her brothers heart and their adorable little one, and see her two favorite knights- but it was to happen in (pause for dramatic effect........) DISNEYLAND!!!!! The girls very most favorite place in all the world!!!! 

Now, previously the girl had plans to spend New Years with her closest friend in New Orleans, but when she told this friend that plans were changing to Disneyland the friend excitedly agreed to join them in their quest for the best New Years EVER! (So, if you are not doing the math at home here is how it adds up so far.... brother+wife+baby+son+son+sister+prince+bestie=8 people going to Disneyland for New Years)

Well, as word spread- primarily through facebook- more people were interested in joining this quest. The girls best man friend was invited as well as her prince's parents! Then the girls bestest friend had another friend and some fun loving cousins join us! We were a party to be reckoned with!!! (The math then came to 8 people+Prince's mom+Prince's dad+man friend+Bestest friends co-friend+Cousin+daughter+daughter+2nd man friend=16 people!!) 

With a happy heart and excited Prince the girl flew off to Los Angles on the 30th of December! With 4 days spent in Disneyland and lots of fun people this was one of the very best New Years celebrations that the girl ever had. 

She enjoyed hanging out with her friends. She loved kickin it with the cousins and daughters! She reveled in spending time with her niece and nephews! She was honored to meet such an incredible queen that her brother had found! She completely loved meeting her prince's parents (and hoped that she made a good impression despite the princess Mickey ears)! But most of all- she celebrated sharing a place that she loved with the man that she loved.

Thank you everyone that came to Disneyland with us and helped to make it a perfect New Years. I love all of you!


Our first ride together!!

Nikki and Peyton ready to take on Big Thunder!!

Clay and Rob


We are TOTALLY excited!

Ice Cream Nikki?? Really?

I love our blue eyes...


I miss my Rachel!

And My Nikki!!

BLEH!!! (for Brian)

Spirit Fingers!

Not Spirit fingers.... JAZZ HANDS!!!

awwww... Rachel....

Boggie Amy!


Nikki rockin out to Vanilla Ice






R is for Robert

we saw the Grand Canyon

and dinner

and dinosaurs



Golden Gate before they take it dowm

Rob and his parents!! 


Rob's Parents!! (They totally rock!)

Dallin stopping the crazees for a quick pose!

The artist hard at work

Toon Town!

Wait, what??

Brennan loved this boat until it was broken to him that it was a girls boat....

Awesome shot Rob!!

Taking on Big Thunder again!!

Brennan was having a rough time waiting in this long line,
so Rob started a photo shoot with him

Be a Tiger!!

Now show me a squirrel! Be the squirrel!

Now you are a policeman!

ok be a soldier!

Finally made it to the ride!

Me, Clay and Baby Alyssa

Brennan taming the blue whale!

The whale was tough work....

Aly was not interested in getting photos....

PULL BRENNAN!!! Be the next King!!!

C'MON Dallin!! You can do it!!!


Baby Alyssa!!

Yummy dessert tray at Ariel's Grotto

Our advanced tickets for World of Color!
It was AWESOME!!

Ysma!! Put your hands in the air!!!

Lori was a little scared..... hehehehehe
Well, That was our wonderful trip to the big DL this year! We had a ton of fun and can't wait to see friends and family again!!