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About Us

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I have recently decided that we are superstars. I work full time as an ABA Consultant and am a full time student working toward my psych degree. I have the most amazing man in my life - Rob is every dream come true that I have had. He works hard, plays hard, and we are making our dreams come true one day at a time. We are the proud parents of 6 cats and 2 dogs. Ya. It is a circus but I love every minute of it!

Friday, January 7, 2011

Our very First Tree!!!

Rob and I traveled way up to some place on the other side of the lake..... I don't know much past my little area on the west bank out to Kenner so it is all the same to me.... 
BUT- out there we found this tree and Rob went straight into woodsman mode and cut down our very first Christmas tree! It was a lot of fun finding the one that "spoke" to us and said "take me home with you!!" I bet when it was speaking to us it never stopped to consider what it would have to go through to come home with us.... oh well. We listened and drug it to the car, roped it down and then drove a little over an hour home with it only to remember that we didn't have a tree stand. So it lived on the front porch for the night (I think it appreciated the chance to acclimate to our area before being forced to perform its Christmas duties) and enjoyed the weather where it was just a touch warmer.

Saw, Saw, Saw!!!
Kitties exploring their first tree too!!

Branches are tasty!
Figaro catching a rogue branch!
Peek-A-Boo Athena!!

Natural Climber
Completely enthralled!!

All lit up!
so pretty!
Chasing bulbs...

Starting to tire out.....
The kittens were soooo cute and funny exploring and playing with the tree and the ornaments. We bought plastic ornaments to hang near the bottom of the tree and thought this would keep the kittens busy and happy. We were wrong. I caught Figaro bounding from the back on the couch into the top of the tree more than once and am positive that he taught the others how to reach the "cool" ornaments at the top too.... darn kitties. Well, That was our fun with our very first tree and fun with the kittens. It is so much fun watching them explore their world and seeing things through their eyes.... although I admit that I wish it would happen more during the hours of 10am and 10pm and less during 1am and 3am. But I still love them. 
No kitty slippers yet.

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