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I have recently decided that we are superstars. I work full time as an ABA Consultant and am a full time student working toward my psych degree. I have the most amazing man in my life - Rob is every dream come true that I have had. He works hard, plays hard, and we are making our dreams come true one day at a time. We are the proud parents of 6 cats and 2 dogs. Ya. It is a circus but I love every minute of it!

Wednesday, July 27, 2011

Photo A Day 5.9.2011 - BEACH!!!!!!

Rob, Jessica and I took our pups to the beach today. I was very skeptical about the fun we may or may not have because Cassidy is not a water dog and is typically afraid water. Boy was I wrong!!! She was like a completely different dog!!! With Mitzi there she was jumping straight into the ocean to catch the toy before Mitzi could get to it! It was incredible and awesome!! I loved every second of it!!

Photo A Day 5.8.2011 - Fun Stuff I Saw Today!

I am totally going to make this sign for my house.... Cuz I am too cheap to spend $25 on it.....

For dogs. Really!?!?  They felt it was needed to specify that DOG biscuits were for DOGS??? 

Photo A Day 5.7.2011 - Practice Makes Perfect!

Had some fun with my hair today and thought I would share! My stylist taught me how to curl my hair so the curl would last and I thought since I had nothing to do today I would practice! Now I am all dressed up with no where to go..... oh well. At least I have had a little practice!!

Photo A Day 5.6.2011 - Crock Pot Yumminess!!

MMMMMmmmmmm...... so tonight's dinner was chicken and sausage in a crock pot. There are onions, carrots and potatoes under the chicken you just cant see it too clearly. When it was done I put shredded cheese on the top and it was delicious!!! 

Photo A Day 5.5.2011 - Butterfly Art

So I thought this was a really cute art project. It could have used more filling to fluff it up, but still a cute idea. My client made this at speech and placed shapes and colors into a zip lock sandwich bag after he labeled them. Then he got to all glitter and a pipe cleaner made the wings and the antennae! how cute right??

Photo A Day 5.4.2011 - Toppling Towers

Working with one of my kiddos today on being ok with block towers falling after his mom told me he had some major tantrums over the weekend from block towers falling. Usually I have to "accidently" knock them down and then work through the behavior before we start again.... But this guy was insistent on putting bridges on top of squares or triangles which made the towers fall all on their own. Kinda amusing. Oh, and he pulled through just fine and no longer has behaviors when towers fall. Instead he shouts OH NO!!! WHAT HAPPENED??? then he rebuilds. Success!

Photo A Day 5.3.2011 - Laptop Stars

YAY!!! I know I am a nerd, but I LOVE stars and I LOVE my new laptop, so I put them together!! And now it is a great merger!! w00t!!!

Photo A Day 5.2.2011 - Daisies!!

Look at the perfect present that my honey gave me!!! Daisies are my FAVORITE!!!!! And since I really want to start a little flower garden I can put this in it to start it off! YAY!!! (if I don't kill it first.... I have a really hard time keeping things we will see.)  But I still LOVE it so much!!

Photo A Day 5.1.2011 - Shed Be Gone!!

So I attempted to tear down this shed solo this morning when Rob and Jesse were at work. I have learned that a 5'2" girl that hasn't been lifting weights is not able to lift a 3 foot sledge hammer over her head to know down a shed 7 feet tall..... so I cleaned out the inside and waited for the men folk to come home to help. Rob and Jesse had most of it down by 3 and then some other guys from Rob's work came over and helped tear down the rest in about 2 hours. We paid them all with beer and BBQ! It was very yummy and nice to have the shed taken care of so that some day we could finish the fence!

Friday, July 22, 2011

Photo A Day 4.30.2011 - Clarifying Quesitons Book

Here is my new book everyone!!! How awesome is this!! I am technically a published author now!! too bad no one knows.... :)

Check it out! Read it! Buy it! Share it!! Make me famous!!! 

Photo A Day 4.29.2011 - Two Left Feet

Ok. I have been going to the gym every day early in the morning and today I packed my bag before I left instead of the night before like usual.... the result was two left flip flops....good thing I had my work out shoes to use instead!

Photo A Day 4.28.2011 - Ouchies!

Some how I scrapped both of my elbows.... I have NO idea how this happened, but it is right on the part of my elbow where I put weight when I lean on them.... not deadly, just irritating....

Photo A Day 4.27.2011 - Finished Painting the Living Room

All done! Whatchya think??

Photo A Day 4.26.2011 - Found A Stray.....

We found this beautiful pooch wandering around Terrytown when we were headed to the ferry to go across the river. Of course I can't just let him continue to wander. So we picked him up and called his owners.... they didn't answer so we took him home.

Rob and Jesse gave him a much needed bath with some flea and tick shampoo. Poor pup was completely covered with fleas and had at least 5 ticks. Very sad.

After his bath we took him and Cassie to the park to play. They played so good together!!! I really wanted to keep the dog due to the condition he was in, but since we had already called the owner we couldn't really pretend that we didn't know who's dog he was and when the owners called us back we had to return him. Rob and I still keep our eyes open for him and have decided that if he gets out again we will be keeping him.

Photo A Day 4.25.2011 - Rob's first Easter in a VERY long time!!

Rob and I celebrated our first Easter together this year. The only rule was that the baskets have to be useful and fun. No just going and buying a basket and filling it with stuff. I like this tradition because it really makes you think about something that the other person wants instead of just going on auto pilot to fill an Easter basket. OH. there was one other rule.... not plastic grass in the baskets because the kitties will eat it. So grass has to be paper and easily digestible. Here are the awesome baskets that we put together for each other and a friend, Jesse, who was staying with us. Rob did AMAZING!!!

Jesse's camping and hiking Easter Basket

Rob's Easter Wok
My Gardening Easter Bucket!
My Easter loot! Missy is guarding it!
Happy Easter Morning Rob!!

Happy Easter Morning Jesse!!
Happy Easter Morning Figaro!

Athena and Figaro playing with eggs

:( No pet baskets this year... poor Cassie!!
I loved this candy dish turtle!! Had to get it for Rob!!

Blacksmiths puzzle for Rob. He figured it out in 15 minutes....

Photo A Day 4.24.2011 - Fun with Catnip

OK ok ok.... I know I just posted about my kitties.... but they are significant members of my family, especially since we have no human children.... SO here are totally cute pics of four of the kitties (because O'Hanna is just too cranky) and the pup having fun with catnip!!

Daegan, Figaro, Athena and Missy rolling in the catnip


Sooooo HAPPY!!

and playful.....

See Cassidy in the back... she is JUST trying to lie down in the sun....

love love love.

Athena suddenly turned into a ninja!!! 

Powerful catnip!

Back to a kitten.... 

Poor Cassidy. All she wants is some sun....

Missy is so happy that Athena went to pick on Cassidy and left her alone

Such a good pooch. She just lets the kittens beat on her....

until they all finally decide to snuggle.